It was a new experience for all of us, driving Walter the Big Yellow Truck down our tiny town’s Main Street, waving and honking and tossing out candy as part of the annual Creamery Picnic’s Grand Parade.
Afterward, hundreds of people wanted to come visit us at the community park and take a tour of our rig, both inside and out. With the permission of the president of the town’s civic club, we parked in the outfield of the baseball diamond, between the grandstands set up for the greased pig wrestling event and the start of the long line of food trucks.
Yes, we were way out in left field, haha.
You could even say we were outstanding in our field, har-har.
But the folks who wanted to see the big yellow truck weren’t laughing; they were gawking. Most had never seen anything like our Walter. Although his type is seen more frequently in Europe and Australia, he’s a bit of a freakshow here in the United States. And at an event like the 111th Annual Creamery Picnic, the biggest social event of our little town’s calendar, based on long-standing traditions1, he certainly stood out in the crowd. We entertained a steady stream of visitors from the heat of midday until the cool of twilight, about ten hours straight.
As people approached, they were generally quiet, curious, even a little confused. They stopped to read the lawn signs we had posted, one describing the truck and its features, plus our plans, and the other featuring a series of photos to show the process of the build over the past three years.
Andy took folks on a brief tour of the outside of the rig, then he invited them to walk up the steps so I could show them the inside. Seeing the faces of my temporary houseguests as they removed their sunglasses and scanned the interior was priceless. They were incredulous.
“This is awesome!” I heard again and again. It was so fun to see Andy’s brainchild recognized as so cool, ingenious, even brilliant.
Most of the folks we talked to were very excited for us and the adventure we have embarked upon. Some were even quite envious. Seeing the simplicity of our life in Walter, the lack of clutter and the compact but comfortable space, they got it: our possessions can tend to possess us and weigh us down. The possibility of breaking free sparkled in their eyes as a glimmer of hope. “Someday, I’d like to do this,” several people muttered softly, their eyes still scanning the inside of the habitation box.
But a few people didn’t really get it at all. They couldn’t grasp a life outside of the norm they’ve always known.
“I bet you’ll appreciate Montana even more when you get back,” one person shrugged.
“Have a great trip!” several grinned.
We, however, don’t anticipate coming back. We are not going on a trip. A trip implies an event with a specific start and end. We went on a trip to Puerto Rico two years ago to volunteer with the Happy Givers and explore the island. We took a trip to Zambia last summer to meet our family there. This past winter, we took another trip, this time to attend a special wedding and backpack around Southeast Asia. Each of those had clean departure and return dates. We left our normal life temporarily then returned to it.
But this one is different. We have said goodbye to our normal life with no plans to return. Our adventure as midlife nomads has already begun. Although we’ve had assorted goals for a hard date when we can actually hit the road, we are at the mercy of a few things out of our control. And we certainly don’t have an end date in mind. There is a big world out there and we aren’t going to limit ourselves to a plan.
No, we aren’t going on a trip. We have become nomads. We have said goodbye to this life.
Meanwhile, as we say a drawn-out goodbye to our life in the United States to go explore the rest of the world, our friend James is doing quite the opposite.
We first met James a few years ago through a post on social media. He had written a brief letter introducing himself as a world traveler who was currently touring around the United States. As you can imagine, it caught our attention.
Hello everyone!
I’m James, a world traveler on automobile, visited 100+ countries and 1000+ cities, currently traveling in US, with plan to visit all US states, at least ¼ national parks and at least 5 cities in each state. i visited 10 states in last 90 days, drove 7000 miles, crossed US in the middle route and now in California. About to cross the country again in northern part.
Several weeks ago, I published a post, looking for partner to travel with, many people wrote to me, I talked with many over the facetime and meet up with 3 new friend in 3 different states, we had wonderful time to hike, to drive, to talk, to discuss, I like this unique experience, meeting new local friends, they are truck drivers, they are retired people, they are office workers, they are very ordinary American people, not life of Donald trump, not life of Johnny Depp, just life of ordinary hard working people, but I’m still quite impressed and touched by their stories and their life, we exchange our thoughts and ideas about travel and vanlife, we discuss what is happening in US, Europe and China, we analyze culture difference between us, we walks dogs together, we camp together, we go to different local restaurant together, the conversation were never boring.
Now I want to publish a new post, looking for new local friends, in different state, not for English learning anymore, just to meet and talk, to hike and to hang out together, I am still open to travel ideas, but now I understood, not everybody can drop off everything and start a road trip, they have their obligations, but what about a coffee in Starbucks? What about a walk in dog parks? What about to see a game of local baseball team together? How about a meet in local library? How about shopping for food together in Walmart? How about go to music festival together?
We can talk about so many things! It’s a dialogue, not monolog, we exchange ideas of travel, we feed each other with first-hand information’s, and we can visit each other’s country in the future, or just be pen pals!
The pandemic ruined life of many people, world-wide, and seems it also destroys the trust between people, people become very easy to irritate and self isolate, don’t let this pandemic change you in a bad way, come out from your place, enjoy the sunshine and new friend!
* Few words about my self:
Northern Chinese, born near the border between China and Russia, native speaker of Chinese and Russia, and, intermediate level of English. Master degree, worked many years in a world TOP 100 tech cooperate as a BU director, I quit(or to say: retired) 6 years ago and full time traveling around the world. Visited 100+ counties and 1000+ cities, Certified free-diving class 2 and scuba dive master, Know camping basics, migrated to Ukraine and lived there 15 years, currently on long road trip in US, Then plan to continue travel to South America.
You can definitely check out on my Facebook and Instagram page, to get a sense of me, and my lifestyle, I have 3 references of American people who already traveled with me locally, you can call them and ask about me. They different people from Florida, California and Colorado.
I know this post may looks suspicious(for some people), but everything in it is true, I propose to meet at public place like local library, local Walmart, Starbucks…any place with security camera to get video footage of us, I understand we live in a imperfect world, and I fully understand reasonable concerns of people, as a tourist, I have my concerns too, but, I choose not let different theory of conspiracy, ungrounded fear or prejudice to isolate or ruin my life.
Frequent asked questions:
1. where did you get your money to travel full time around the world?
— During and After 10+ year working in the tech company, I keep investing money in small apartment and home office unit in city center, right now they creating enough money for me to travel full time. Not in a luxury way, but good enough to cover all basic needs in travel mode. I have no debts.
2. What’s your final purpose?
— I don’t have a final purpose( definitely not save the world or stop the global warming) , I do want see more place and spend everyday happy, a mid-term purpose might see all UNESCO heritage, there are 1000+ of them, I visited 30-35%.
3. Why you looking for some body traveling with you?
-it’s more fun, it’s more educational, it’s more safe! It is the fastest way to understand America! We talk through different topics, I’m not expecting a living Wikipedia of America, we can new things learn together!
4. Why do you want meet local people?
- Some people don’t ask questions in life, I ask a lot, I am curious of different culture, I like to meet new friends in new places, and I believe to understand the unique beauty of another civilization is one the biggest achievement and happiness a man could possibly have.
By the time Andy and I had finished reading James’ letter, we were both grinning. Absolutely. We wanted to meet James and host him at our home.
We contacted James and invited him to come to our place in Montana for a meal and an overnight stay. Our meet-up was delightful. After the first couple of hours, we all realized one overnight was not enough. He stayed for several days of fascinating conversations, meals, hikes, and evening campfires.
We found James to be knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, a deep thinker, endlessly curious, and an amazingly quick learner. We discussed travel and cultural norms. We pulled apart intricacies of the English language, including complicated idioms and literary allusions. We explored the issues that divide Americans—from the larger issues all the way down to how to properly make s’mores. We laughed together and we learned together. In the span of those few short days, Andy and I gained a friend.
Since that time, James has grown quite attached to the people and places of the United States. He knows more about American history, culture, and politics than many life-long Americans. He has secured longer-term residency status and settled into his own adventurous take on the American life.
7 Questions
I asked James if he would be willing to allow me to interview him for this segment of my blog. True to form, he took the task very seriously. I will leave his written answers mostly intact, changing only a very little bit of spelling, grammar, and punctuation here and there for essential clarity. Again, English is not his first or even second language. He didn’t start to learn it until he was a young adult at university. That said, his grasp of the complexities and advanced vocabulary of our difficult language is impressive—even more so in the spoken form than written.
Before he answered any of my questions, though, he provided this preface:
I believe there is NO simple answers in life. For these who are lazy and always seeking for an oversimplified answer, they will always swallow that answer together with a sharp hook hiding inside. The price for taking in any information without independent thinking could be ranging from lose a couple of minutes or dollars, to losing a life, or lose the privilege of freedom and become a modern slave, literally speaking.
So, with that in mind—the understanding that life is complex and complicated, and we should think beyond what is available on the simple surface—here are our friend James’ answers to my seven questions.
Where were you born and where do you live now?
I was born in far northeast of China, near the tri-state border between China, Russia and North Korea. Just like what you once said— “Michigan is a good place to be ‘from’2”—living in United States, I don’t really enjoy to bring up these 3 country names each time when I introduce myself to an American. When they hear these 3 countries’ names, they instantly thinking the faces of Xi, Putin and young Kim.
I wish I could say I was born on the Canada border. That makes more sense to people, and they drop unnecessary defense and instantly start talk about other things such as US/Canada gas price or where is the best place to cross the border.
While you don’t want to cross the border between China and North Korea, however some did, and living among us in China. Historically China was considered only within the great China wall, and I was born 1000 miles away from the wall. A recent DNA test result shows I’m both Chinese and Korean.
By the way, many people didn’t realize there is a tribe in this Manchuria area (where I was born), and there was this rebellious General Wu, who let this tribe go through Juyong Pass into China, then this tribe rule China from 1636 to 1912. That is the last dynasty, Qing; many people don’t even know that.3 How crazy is that?
Since spring of 2017, I live a full time traveling life, currently in New England area for the summer of 2024. Found combination of RV life + Pickeball are pretty interesting, therefore traveling around 50 states, play pickleball, meet local people, cycling and hiking. That’s what I do, on everyday basis.
Of all the names and titles you have answered to over the years, do you have any favorites, and why?
I had several titles in different stage of my life, some of them reflects certain hierarchy in a company, some others reflect some other people’s conclusions about certain aspects of my personality. During more than 10 years working in CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan….etc), I got the nickname “Firefighter” for frequent traveling in these countries and solve wide range of issues caused by Chinese colleagues lacking understanding of Russians/Ukrainians, or the opposite way. I like that nickname (title).
2017 is a turning point for me. I quit my job and separated with my first wife, then started systematically travel the world. All old names and titles fades away. Those who choose to be a globe nomad usually also choose to leave behind all titles and name they used to carry on their shoulder. I hope old title could give me some strength from time to time, but not trap me into certain definition. Give me some new titles!4 The current one I got is “James the Smasher” (pickleball).
Can you tell me about one person who has had a significant positive impact on your life?
A very short answer to that question is Bob Wells. By watching his videos about van dwelling, I started to equip myself with proper knowledge and a resilient mindset to switch to nomad life.
What feels most like home to you and why?
Such feeling of being home occurs to me when, after a long trip, arriving to a geological dividing point. For example, after a long road trip driving all the way from Kyiv, Ukraine to Lisbon, Portugal, standing on cliffs, staring at the waves of Pacific Ocean, or to the end of southern part of New Zealand, or somewhere in White Sands National Park or Petrified Forest National Park, sunrise/sunset in north rim Grand Canyon. These places make me feel my life is just a glimpse. Dinosaur used to watch this and caveman, too. Myself is just one of millions of creature who used to live here. Such setting always makes me feel at home. Everybody dies, and when that day comes, I wish I will be sitting alone on a green grass facing the ocean and emerge into it.
What is one thing that makes you ridiculously happy?
At the point when I realize passive incomes is enough to sustain continuedly non-stop traveling, I feel happy and relief.
What is one thing that makes you terribly sad?
One of these things is seeing young generation of educated Ukrainian and Russian people have to die for nothing in the war; I feel sad.
What is one important thing you have learned over your lifetime?
To have enough patience to understand how people usually do things, and then try to do it differently, do it better, do more.
Have enough patience to understand how people usually do things, then try to do it differently; do it better; do more.
I do hope our paths cross again someday, James. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting you in our home. You are a fascinating person, and we wish you all the best.
As we prepare to say goodbye to our life in the United States, I am so pleased that people like James are taking our place. He adds so much depth to any conversation, any social setting, and apparently, any pickle ball game, as well.
Until next week, friends,
Stevensville, Montana’s annual Creamery Picnic is the joyous result of a terrible tragedy, commemorating the time in 1911 when the town came together to rebuild after a devastating loss. Read about it here.
Haha, yes! I was born in Michigan and lived there until I was 12 years old. The auto industry was in serious decline, the winters were brutal, and the summers too hot and humid. My father moved our family from there to Southern California and would often joke about Michigan being a good place to be from.
Unfortunately, Americans get only the most cursory coverage of world history in our education—and that coming from a former history teacher. You can read here about the fascinating element of Chinese history James mentioned.
New titles or nicknames for you, James? How about International Man of Mystery? James the Renaissance Man? Or perhaps we should call you a Road Scholar, which is a play on the term Rhodes Scholar. Of course, we could just skip to that guy from the Dos Equis commercials and call you The Most Interesting Man in the World. Maybe just Equis for short, haha!
Thank you for speaking so highly about me, you and Andy are also very special among people I met in US, well traveled and very authentic in your own ways seeing the world, when we had a beer together on the porch in your home, with Andy’s father, that’s a beautiful sunny afternoon, he looks a little tired and his skin looks a little transparent, but his mind is clear and he speaks with humor and confidence, that’s something special belongs to his generation, a man been through wars, Cuba missile crisis, Kennedy and the gulf wars, collapse of Soviet Union and all 90’s and everything after that, and we met in 2022, and feels very science-fictional and otherworldly, I’m glad we shared some precious memories together and hoping we will meet again in the coming an epic global adventure!
I loved this post. I hope our paths cross one day. 🧡