Surviving the brutal Barkley Marathons, or tragedy in the Alps and Antarctica, reading good books, and otherwise preparing to persevere and do hard things that previously seemed impossible
Ah, yes--HOME (whatever that is these days). The scenery is very familiar, but we are living in a friend's borrowed fifth wheel trailer--with no insulation to speak of. The weather was definitely better in SE Asia. 😉
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, stole some time and read your thoughts on the Barkley Marathons..... I wish I could say it motivated me to lose the 15 pounds I've been wanting to lose, or the 40 pounds I would've lost if I'd trained six months for this impossible feat...but no, it only makes me feel guilty for enjoying the comforts of my recliner, fire in the fireplace, fresh flavorful water at the kitchen sink, relaxed and easy-going visits with friends, etc. But how well you wrote of it; how inspiring to find just the right Scripture verse to emphasize your point, and courageous of you to even contemplate such various life-challenging hurdles in movies and real-life events! Thank you, Sherry! I'm SOOOOOO glad you are home, and I can hardly wait to see you! After Easter, please? Love you! Clover
Clover! Look at you, reading a post that isn't already a month old! 😉 Glad you (maybe) have a little more free time in your busy life. I would love one of those relaxed and easy-going visits with you soon--perhaps including a fireplace and fresh water to make tea. Your place or mine, friend. Let's make it happen. 💜
Meanwhile, a happy and a blessed Easter AT HOME in Montana!!! Mid-April (after Taxes) I'm penciling you in!!! Love you...
Ah, yes--HOME (whatever that is these days). The scenery is very familiar, but we are living in a friend's borrowed fifth wheel trailer--with no insulation to speak of. The weather was definitely better in SE Asia. 😉
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, stole some time and read your thoughts on the Barkley Marathons..... I wish I could say it motivated me to lose the 15 pounds I've been wanting to lose, or the 40 pounds I would've lost if I'd trained six months for this impossible feat...but no, it only makes me feel guilty for enjoying the comforts of my recliner, fire in the fireplace, fresh flavorful water at the kitchen sink, relaxed and easy-going visits with friends, etc. But how well you wrote of it; how inspiring to find just the right Scripture verse to emphasize your point, and courageous of you to even contemplate such various life-challenging hurdles in movies and real-life events! Thank you, Sherry! I'm SOOOOOO glad you are home, and I can hardly wait to see you! After Easter, please? Love you! Clover
Clover! Look at you, reading a post that isn't already a month old! 😉 Glad you (maybe) have a little more free time in your busy life. I would love one of those relaxed and easy-going visits with you soon--perhaps including a fireplace and fresh water to make tea. Your place or mine, friend. Let's make it happen. 💜
Thanks Sherry for sharing your adventures with us. We look forward to them every week.
You are so welcome! I am so glad that you two find my ramblings worthwhile. Andy and I would love to see you guys again one of these days. 💜