Amen! You make so many important points. Like, if God could put anyone in control, why someone like Donald Trump? I keep hearing how God used flawed people like King David. Yes, King David was flawed but he repented. Trump famously said he has never asked God for forgiveness because he thinks he doesn't need to. Why was that not a dealbreaker? ? David wrote Psalms. Trump has never even read a Psalm, but is trying to grift his followers by selling Bibles. (oh the irony). I really don't understand but this man must be stopped. Thank you for speaking up.

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I'm so glad to hear you see it, too, Keri. I wish it weren't such a scary, intimidating environment in which to speak up. The comments I am receiving behind the scenes, hidden in secret, are so telling. People are afraid of the rejection that speaking against this man can bring.

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I applaud your courage to speak your mind on such an important topic, when you know you'll get pushback. (And I loved the multiple chances to back out of reading! And the 1976 Sherry photo!)

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Thanks, Eileen! I am getting some pushback, but not nearly as much as I expected so far. In fact, I am getting quite a few comments behind the scenes from women who agree with my point of view but aren't willing to admit it publicly.

And yes, 1976 Sherry. 😂 Classic.

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Thank you Sherry for speaking out. As a fellow Christian, it also boggles my mind why they do not see through his facade.

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Thank you for you and Tim's support, Shelley. It is indeed mind-boggling.

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This is a must-read for any voter, Christian or not. Thank you for such a thoughtful, spot-on analysis.

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Thanks, Jenny. Please feel free to pass it along to anyone you think might be willing to read it.

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Thank you, Sherry. I admire your bravery. The bit about women voting differently than their husbands made me chuckle. It's been a long-running joke in our household that we cancel each other out regularly in elections. Now that my son and daughter both vote, they're doing the same. Though we rarely say specifically--or ask--who the other has voted for, it's pretty easy to guess. And I find it interesting how we split down gender lines on this one.

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Fascinating, Karen. I love to hear about families who manage to still love each other, even when they disagree politically--even to the point of laughing about it! Oh, that the world could follow your lead!

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I agree with a lot of your opinions and also disagree with some, my friend. I don't end friendships based on political disagreements, and it saddens me that this is happening so often, especially among people who follow Christ. He is the true King and is in control no matter who is our president. There should be no fear among us, regardless of the outcome. Admittedly, that's easier to say than to do. But, it's just temporary earthly stuff we're talking about here, and we are citizens of Heaven. (Phil 3:20)

The empty facades, deception, indecency, outright lies and ugliness in politics is disgraceful, on both sides of the aisle. I think most Americans agree and are sick of it. However, I think this bad behavior reflects at least the loudest in our rebellious American culture, a population who has largely turned their backs on God and the knowledge of right and wrong according to Him.

Of course, this is nothing new.

John 18:36

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

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Thank you for commenting, Allison. I appreciate your larger perspective. I love that we can love one another even when we don't fully agree on everything. 💜

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I vote for the person that fights for our country. The election is over, Trump won and I am so glad. He is not the perfect candidate but at least I know he'll fight for my freedom and rights as an American. I don't understand how a Christian would vote for someone that pushes abortion and socialism. That does not line up with the bible.

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I'm so glad we can still be friends, Barbara, even if we disagree on how our Christian faith informs our politics. Incidentally, my grandmother was named Barbara Smith. 💜

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I thank God that He has given you such a powerful gift of thoughts and words. And I thank you that you have chosen to use them for His glory! I'm late reading this - as usual - but even at this late hour, I'm praying that this post will turn hearts to the REAL God!

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Thanks, Peg. It's been baffling, hasn't it?

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👏👏 well said!

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Thanks, Sue. Sometimes I just have to speak up. 🤷🏻

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Amen! Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you, Lori-Ann. 💜 I appreciate the example you have always set of consistently loving people.

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I love you, Sherry! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! Here’s to voting and loving! I’ll be so glad to see Wednesday morning! Sheesh! Praying for you, Andy and Walter. 💕

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Aw, thanks, Cindy. Let's pray the various factions of society can behave themselves when the votes are tallied and a winner is declared. 💜

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Sherry, bless you and thank you for this. This has been on my heart and in my prayers for many years.I only add that my vote was actually FOR her, I see many positive points in her policies, history, education, family, and VP choice. I trust God, yes. I don’t trust the machine which is MAGA.🙏🏼 🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏🏻🙏🙏🏾

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Thank you, Susan. There are many things about her and her policy that I likewise, am FOR. 💜

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Thanks for sharing Sherry!

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Thank you, Becca, for chiming in your support for my honest opinion. I don't know if you agree with me, but your comment here validates my right to share and encourages me.

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I 100% agree. I’m terrified of what a second Trump term would mean for our country. Please speak up. Trying to navigate when/how to speak up has been really challenging with all of this.

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Nov 6
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Thanks for this. I deleted my original as I felt I may have sounded too much. It’s all too much. I cannot understand the current evangelical climate and their love of Trump. It just makes no sense. I too voted for Kamala. I may not agree with all the democratic policies but I don’t agree with all the Republican policies either Your words are so well spoken.

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I saw your first comment, Janet, and I thought it was right on, even if it was possibly "too much," in your assessment. 💜 Welcome, friend.

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