Fantastic ideas! I took to heart the gift of giving myself this year and created coupon booklets. One for my soon to be 14 year old granddaughter and one for my son-in-laws niece (who calls me grandma) and is turning 9. Using my MSWord skills, the never ending pictures available on the internet, and my arts-n-craft bin (that hasn't been used is a long time). There are coupons for roller skating, arcades, movies, dinning, game days, and one for an activity of their choice. (will be interesting) Also, a bonus coupon for which I will make them a pair of "fuzzy pants". (I love to sew)

Merry Christmas!!

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Wow, good comprehensive list! Most Americans probably have too much crap and these offer good alternatives!

Was surprised years ago to find out where the word "crap" came from. I wonder how Mr. Crapper would feel about the use of his desecrated name? Probably just laugh :)

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I guess at least he wasn't forgotten, right?

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